An librarian’s nightmare, the homespun zine is stereotypically messy, gritty and raw, each creation as unique as its creator. Zines embody the true pure spirit of self-expression, of free press, of freedom of speech. They grant anyone the ability to broadcast their message. The roots of the zine movement track back to the 1930s, and let us state the fact that they have roots globally .Pls take the time to learn that zines are alive and—dare we say—thriving here in the 21st century.

A form of disseminating a plethora of publications the likes of zines and artist books have been created under the mainstream ..Many publications only last one or two issues. Some lasts for several years. Its simple the creators of these publications work in various formats utilising the technology of the time.

Stephen Duncombe writes in the book, Notes from Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture,  that fanzines created a fundamental transformation point from a person being a media consumer to her being a media creator (he wrote it in times before online media came about).

In the spirit of the PUNK , “we don't want to read mainstream magazines about mainstream things anymore, we want to read our ‘zines about our things”, So join us and  grab for yourselves a slice of “empowerment”, and make zines or artist books.

This year ABZ fulfills a dream of hosting a gathering around “Zines and Scenes”

We have made some crazy cool connections and wanna present what we have traded. We will also share the platform with locals and our neighbours here in the north.

Oh oh  — here is that bit on “why” we also love artist books ,Some of us are art lovers; some, bibliophiles. For those who dwell in the overlap, artists' books seem to hit a sweet spot. It can be touched, held, looked at, even fetishized.

We have invited the folks from Bladr (Danish for ’turn the page’) is a platform for the exploration, distribution, and appreciation of artists’ books, which aims to increase the visibility of the field.yes this means brain and eye candy!.